Nutritional Science


     There are many foods gives us a lot of micronutrient nutrition is beneficial for health but also the type of food you eat will make you feel uncomfortable, even some who are allergic to some foods, resulting in skin rashes, light therapy may have at home, can be heavy to the hospital to see a doctor.
                                                                            So how to be able to handle the problems that occur when with yourself, when you are invited to dine somewhere that is hard to refuse what it gives you.
     The best way to avoid eating foods that do not fit your body, or just eat less and choose what fit your atopic
     The human evolution over millions of years we always bring to us the most appropriate choice, observing nature also giving us many interesting things, such as the parrot in the wild world Wild when we eat too much fruit contains toxins, they come to the area or eat a type of clay to detoxify, making their body will become stronger, the other species we are often concerned Monkey seen it, them often find coals to eat to neutralize toxins reduce body.
  Naturally when our bodies without what micronutrient deficiencies, then we will have the need to use food to supplement the amount of shortage, when you lack vitamins you need to eat all kinds of vegetables and fruits more , or when your body lacks proteins, you will need to add any meals containing meat, fish, eggs.
along with the development of science and technology scientists have discovered the secret about nutrition can help us choose better foods for our bodies. That it give us a wonderful life  

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